Wednesday, January 4, 2012

i can't think what to make for dinner

i have no idea what to make for dinner.
it is 4:12 pm
my man will be home soon and will have yet another night when he asks "whats for dinner" and i have a vague blank stare come across my face and my senseless creativity comes to light.
usually these meals are edible but lack typical deliciousness i am so famous for in my house.

i am currently suffering from an aversion to meat. My uncle jokingly recommended therapy for such madness. I have  a total of six things i love that are low/lacking in meat:

tacos (bean, rice and cheese)
grilled cheese (homemade bread is best)
pancakes from scratch and fresh ground wheat
rob's famous hashbrowns and scrambled eggs
homemade pizza

you can imagine we are all a little tired of these beloved dishes.

I am hungry.
my house smells like baking sweet potatoes, my favorite tuber


Madeline Claire Rogers said...

hope on pintrest!!! :) SO many yummy meal ideas!

Madeline Claire Rogers said...

I mean hop, not hope obviously. lol

The Couple said...

Letter to the editor -
Babe. We've been through this. Those were yams which are only tuberous roots but not true tubers