Friday, September 9, 2011

Hello to peace

I live in a microcosm.
I have my beloved other half. My first son and my second son. a dog. I have parents and siblings.
This is what i consider my world. This is where i focus my efforts. Sometimes my efforts are pitiful (lazy days). Other days (like saturday) i am superwoman (6 loaves bread, 4 loaves banana bread, batch spaghetti sauce, fresh peach pie, 3 football games). 

In terms of an outsider looking in, i don't make a very big difference in society in general. I am probably viewed by some as a woman who has no opportunity and who is sentenced to a life of drudgery. To these people i say the following:

I am happy. I desire this life-since i was 17 years old.

You may say i am deluded, i had no choioce, some mumbojumbo about religious expectation, culture, or any number of socioeconomic excuses.

I want the life i have. I have carefully cultivated what i have and willingly sacrifice myself for the good and benefit those around me.
I write this because i feel like i have to justify my choices to a nameless, faceless someone pointing a finger at another underprivileged housewife.  Silly and stupid, i know.
so farewell to weird guilt.
hello to peace.

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