Saturday, January 21, 2012


i love ross! The syles, prices and options all suite my taste but friday i lost some faith in humanity while at Ross.

I made caleb a superman bag--the kind that cinch up at the top--with my new sewing machine. It was the first thing i made. He loved it and went around saying "i'm a man!" while wearing it (adorable!). He hasn't ever been a kid be so attached to something he would it around but this was different. It has gone around everywhere with him.
We went to get a gift for my niece at Ross. We shopped around and ended up taking a potty break. Caleb took off his backpack  and put it in our cart to go potty. I carried colton in--potty breaks at public places are so hard! We got done, reloaded and kept shopping around and when it was time to go check out we looked for the superman bag to prepare to leave. It wasn't there. We walked all over the store--it wasn't there. I asked the check-out girl and nobody had turned it in. 
Caleb kept asking me about it and i had to tell my beautiful, innocent curious boy someone had stolen from him. Honestly--an obviously homemade spiderman backpack--that was starting to fall apart?! It had candy, a waterbottle and some childrens sunglasses in it. 
Why...why?!!! i mean seriously people why?!

I was so frustrated. I have a strong momma bear streak in me. I have been trying to be cautious but kind and loving to strangers rather than rude and protective. I want my children to be kind  to others and so i have tried to model that behavior. It is against how i want to be; most of the time i prefer to hole up and watch others as if they are going to take my children from me.  So here i am trying to be a friendly, kind, trusting person and we get ross...the store with the most obvious show of anti-thievery i shop at
My first reaction was to stop being kind and friendly and go back to my mean ways but then i thought of the Savior and His teaching of turning the other cheek. so even though i don't want to turn the other cheek--especially since it involves my son--i will continue to be kind to others and watchful. I want to be like Him and this is an opportunity as good as any other to rise above myself.

watch your stuff friends.

Monday, January 16, 2012


I don't have many pictures so i will let your imaginations suffice  Ü

~friday night we went grocery shopping. Even my husband who hates grocery shopping came!
~Rob played football (a newer saturday morning tradition).
~I got to go running on one of my favorite routes
~i got to teach my church class (4 and 5 year old kids)
~Rob didn't have meetings on sunday morning so we had waffles
~I made a spider man pillow case and mini-backpack for caleb
~I made a princess pillow case and small bag for my neice
~Rob worked on finish work on our wall
~we watched football
~my brother shattered his ankles.
yes, you read that right--shattered. He went off a motorcycle jump in too high of a gear and landed with his feed on the pegs shattering his ankles. He has been in the hospital in park city ( the track was up there) and is going to my moms to recover. He can't walk for two to three months.

My brother is full of energy and has had numerous motorcycle induced injuries but this is by far the worst!! Of course i am totally worried not only for his physical health but his mental health also. Sitting around for two months is going to take a toll on my active brother.

So if you have any advice or helps for a bedridden man or helping the family of a bedridden man i would love to hear them!!
I am so grateful for the snow and cold wind!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My new favorite pictures

 My newest sister-in-law maddie is amazing with a camera. I had no idea. My brother got her a new camera for christmas and these are only a portion of the pictures she took (see here). I love these pictures of the boys! 
Thanks maddie.

I must be the luckiest mother ever to get these two yayhoos in my life.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Saturday brought happy changes

I have a ton of pictures from december to catch up on but saturday we made huge improvements to our house. I have been wanting them for quite a while. Next step is to decide what color to paint my family room. We were going to do blue but now we have a clear view of my red cabinets so that may change the plan.
 Hallway all along
 Now we have open space!!!
Looking into the family room. (yes, christmas is still up)
i can't wait to paint.

Friday, January 6, 2012

posted elsewhere on the web

So my friend and neighbor invited me to be the friday feature on hey nonny. I was so excited i spent the week composing what to write in my head. Finally on thursday i got an email wondering if i had anything. I felt bad i had made her wait so long without saying anything.

thanks ashley for the opportunity!
find my post about my pantry here

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

i can't think what to make for dinner

i have no idea what to make for dinner.
it is 4:12 pm
my man will be home soon and will have yet another night when he asks "whats for dinner" and i have a vague blank stare come across my face and my senseless creativity comes to light.
usually these meals are edible but lack typical deliciousness i am so famous for in my house.

i am currently suffering from an aversion to meat. My uncle jokingly recommended therapy for such madness. I have  a total of six things i love that are low/lacking in meat:

tacos (bean, rice and cheese)
grilled cheese (homemade bread is best)
pancakes from scratch and fresh ground wheat
rob's famous hashbrowns and scrambled eggs
homemade pizza

you can imagine we are all a little tired of these beloved dishes.

I am hungry.
my house smells like baking sweet potatoes, my favorite tuber