Thursday, May 3, 2012

i don't want to forget...

Caleb had his first run-in with the law today:

we were at outlet store on 1300th E and 7800so. We had seen a stroller for dogs (i know, rediculous) andy had put caleb in it, being silly and exploratory. We thought it was funny and moved on. Later  He was sorta running around, i had colton in our stroller with me looking at purses (of course). All of a sudden i heard a crash. I knew it was caleb. I wander over from behind some stuff and see the dog stroller on its side, missing a wheel with caleb sprawled on top. The security female officer wanders over, stares him down and asks "where's mom?" "right here" i cheerily replied. Of course nothing could make me happier than someone else laying down the law in the store. So she scolded him, while putting on the missing wheel. He looked so...embarassed but also serious. He knew he was in trouble and mom wasn't gonna do anything about it.
dang straight!
my power of seriousness with consequences only goes so far. And lets face it, i would have laughed, picked up the stroller and moved on if i had seen the whole incident.

Story two
We were working in the yard and caleb had a bucket that was a worm farm for when he and rob go fishing. The dirt looked wet and rob sniffed it (he sniffs everything! all Hakes' do). Then he swiftly and sternly asked caleb "did you pee in this today?" Caleb denied it at first but when asked again, he told the truth and said "yes." I swear, this boy pees on everything outside. Drives me nuts! Our bathroom is not that far! So if you see him peeing outside somewhere know three things
1. I am mortified and always worried he will do it even though i have taught him to do better.
2. if he is a bad influence on your children, i am so so so so sorry. Really, i want and expect better from him.
3. I am being worn down and am learning to pick my battles carefully. 

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