Thursday, August 12, 2010

Great News!

Sorry i don't have any pictures but we are pregnant!!

We are thrilled! I am officially 10 weeks along-baby is due beginning of March and officially we only have one baby. We had an ultrasound this past monday to confirm this. I was pretty much a wreck all weekend. All i could foresee was me having to get a mini-van (no offence to mini-van drivers out their, this is a long time petty fear of mine) and going crazy as i tried to be a mother to three. As twins are part of my genetics and i am on fertility medication to get pregnant the concern is fairly substantial. We had the same scare/possibility/suspense-filled-time-period with Caleb too.

The only downside to this wonderful news is that i have been fairly sick which did not happen with Caleb. Thus the extra reason to be concerned...also, (tmi) my uterus is about twice the size of a normal woman at 10 weeks. I carry huge--Rob is comforted that the baby has plenty of space right now. He tends to worry about this-which i find so hilarious. To his brilliant science-oriented mind, it just doesnt jive that a being that started as a cell and grows in a single environment doesn't have any qualms with the alotted space. He just looks at me (he did this with caleb too) and at pictures of a baby in the womb and just shakes his head and feels bad. I find this so endearing.

This baby has taken us about 10 months to get and we are so thrilled. Caleb will be a wonderful big brother. He is a born helper and i think he is so ready for a sibling. He watches every baby he sees and at breakfast every morning, he reads a baby magazine we have--i can't tell you how cute this is. He loves to look at pictures of babies. when he kicks my belly i tell him he can't do that because their is a baby in there and he will say sorry and kiss my belly-adorable!!! Rob and i are appropriately excited and we also have our moments where we just look at each other and wonder "how will we do this?" Thankfully, being blind in experience to the oncoming challenges as parents of two, we can focus on being excited and happy and leave the worry for later. :)

Oh, i have a shameless plug for a brilliant book...
Dave Ramsey "total money makeover". Regardless of your financial situation it is a book that causes you to ask questions of yourself and be inspired to do better.


J and T said...

You know I am totally thrilled for you! And I think you are so right, Caleb will make an excellent big brother!

Wendy said...

Congratulations to you! I am excited that you are pregnant and that you can avoid a mini-van a little longer (I have similar mini-van feelings). I hope the sickness gets better. As one who was sick with both kids, I can sympathize. I was on reglan and then zofran (if you are interested in medicines zofran is the best). Adjusting to two is definitely harder than I thought, but honestly by Month 3, I felt like I had a routine. So you will probably just have to give yourself time. Good luck!

C and C Young said...

that is such fabulous news!!! it took us two years to have maddux, so I know how disheartening the waiting game can be. congrats--i am so happy for you!!!

stephslater said...

Hooray! That is great news. If you ever need a "sick day" let Caleb come play with us. We would love to have him over. Annelise always has friends over. It's time to start having Colin play dates.
I'm very excited for you guys.

Rach said...

Congrats! That is great news!

MJ said...

CONGRATS!! I'm so excited for you! We just brought baby #2 home 4.5 months ago, so I can understand your fear about having twins, one baby is plenty especially when you already have a toddler. :)
I was sicker the second time around, too, so I'm going to go ahead and guess that you are having a girl. Are you going to find out or have it be a surprise??
I'd still love to do a play date some time if you are ever up to it. Congratulations again!!