Monday, September 10, 2012

more messes

caleb got excited to have some otter pops. 
his own kid scissors got stuck in the box and he must have started snipping because there was otter pop juice all over the floor, soaked the brown rag, and through the box itself. 
i contemplated grounding him from them altogether but i didn't have the heart to do it. 
he did help clean up

Friday, September 7, 2012


My parents are doing the LOTOJA ride in a team with 3 other riders. 
i am so proud of them!! they have worked so hard, ridden so many miles and had so much enjoyment come of it all. 
so the boys and i did this craft today.
i wrote the saying, owing to its cheese-ball nature and slightly awkward phrasing. 

here is what it says:
we're nuts for you and think you are worth 100 grand. We hope your ride is full of joy and your butt holds up. hope the rocks don't force your tires to lose air, force you to rollover or get a whopping injury. We know you can lead the way and find the extra whatchmacallit when you need it. lead your leagues on the trail and betwixt you both, if you don't skid, you'll skor at your finish. We wish you mounds of luck so you can mamba now&later.

my mom got me a shirt so i could wear it in solidarity since i can't go cheer them on. If you see me wearing a lotoja shirt, it is to support my parents. 
you go mom and dad!!!

in case you don't know, LOTOJA is a bike ride from logan, ut to jackson, wy.
206 miles
3 states
1 day

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

workings of a 4 year olds mind

disclosure: we are not pro-obama

rob listened to the democrat convention speeches while he and caleb were driving home from his basketball game. 
rob: "do you know who the president of the united states is?"
caleb: "ya, the united states"
rob: "no, the president is barack obama"
caleb: "barack obama? barack obama.  he is the president? he protects us if there is a fire in the mountains or if there is an earthshake"

when caleb told me this, i busted out laughing. 
we talk a lot about earthshakes, fires and tornadoes. 
caleb helps me get our food storage put together. 

relying on barack obama is not part of our plan nor has the government helping us ever been part of our conversations. 
clearly he listened to the convention.
funny the workings of a 4-year old's mind.


do you ever find yourself thinking too much?
or more than you can handle?
these are classic characteristics of jill. 
my husband patiently lets me stew until i am ready and then boy-oh-boy how my cup overfloweth

we have been hanging out with grandparents. 
it has been great! 
we are thrilled to return to our normal patterns though. 
naps, down-time, predictable lunches and hoped for friend-time.