Sunday, June 26, 2011

National Center for Constitutional Studies

Dear Friends:

I have been doing a lot of studying of our countries history of late. I have been inspired by John and Abigail Adams, more informed about FDR and am coming to understand more about the original role of religion in our country. Because of what i have learned, I want to host a seminar from the National Center for Constitutional Studies. This is one of the best ways i can think of to share the excitement, knowledge and awe i am experiencing.

It would end up costing $5-10 a person depending on how many people decide to come and likely be on a saturday. The title of the seminar is "The Making of America" and is presented in two parts:

"Developing America's Great Success Formula- 8:30am-12:00pm
This is the exciting exploration which Jefferson, Adams, Franklin,
Washington and others made in order to rediscover the key to the creation of
the first free nation in modern times. We trace their adventure from 1400 B.C.
to A.D. 1787.

Lunch Break- 12:00-12:45pm

The Perfect Plan of Liberty- 12:45pm-4:30pm
A refreshing look at the solid political and economic principles from the
preamble through the amendments to the Constitution. You learn perhaps for
the first time, how nearly every problem in America today can be solved by
restoring these successful concepts."

Here is a link to the study guide

If you have read or heard of The 5000 year leap then you are familiar with Dr. Cleon Skousen who founded the National Center for Constitutional Studies. I have long misunderstood my own countries foundation and now that i am discovering it, i want to share what i am learning. I would like to do this after the summer is over. I figure most people wouldn't be able to come in the summer.

Before i call and schedule i want to ask does this sound interesting? Would you want to come? Do you know anyone else who might be interested?